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Website Accessibility Statement

Although the GOV UK guidance states that schools are partially exempt from the Websites Accessibility Regulations – the regulations for primary and secondary schools apply only to the content people need in order to use their services are aware of the importance of making websites accessible and pay particular attention to the following aspects during the design and construction of its school websites:

  • Carefully selecting fonts, colours and contrasts used for ease of reading;

  • Ensuring that the sites are fully responsive and easy to use across all devices;

  • Ensuring that all documents are PDFs that can be easily read online and downloaded for offline reading;

  • That each site can be navigated using only the keyboard;

  • That images are labeled in code to enable identification by screen readers for the visually impaired and search engines.

Whilst the above accessibility aspects are fully considered during the design and construction of our school websites, after each site have been launched, schools – who maintain their own websites – may alter the content and appearance of their sites and therefore have an impact on the accessibility of the website.

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